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Spread the word about Walk for Hope

Tell your friends about Walk for Hope and City of Hope. Use social media to support your fundraising efforts and recruit team members.


Walk for Hope on Facebook
RSVP on these event pages and invite your friends!

More locations coming soon.

"Like" our main Walk for Hope Page and ask your friends to do the same. Tell us why you walk on our wall.



City of Hope on Facebook
"Like" City of Hope and ask your friends to do the same. Write on our Wall and tell us why you support City of Hope.


City of Hope on Twitter
Follow City of Hope for the latest news and developments.

How to promote and support Walk for Hope

  • Update your status - Share the link to your participant fundraising page or www.walk4hope.org and ask your friends to join or support you.
  • Post a message or leaving a comment on our Facebook public profile or Walk for Hope event page to tell us why you support City of Hope or Walk for Hope.
  • Share our Facebook event pages, videos, photos and news with your friends, family and colleagues
  • Engage in discussions or start a dialogue with other Friends and Fans
  • Ask your friends to do the same!

Questions or suggestions? Please contact us at walk4hope@coh.org. Thank you for your support.

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