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The Cause

One mission. Curing women’s cancers.

Woman and daughter with an I am Hope T-shirt

Every year, too many women must battle breast and gynecologic cancers. These are the women we love: our mothers, our wives, our sisters and our friends.

We envision a future where women's cancers no longer take them from us. We strive to prevent women's cancers before they even start. And we want to provide better treatments that help survivors return to the whole and healthy lives they once knew.

This is why we walk.

COH Ribbon

Walk for Hope is a movement that unites survivors and supporters — women, men and children — in the fight against women's cancers. This movement raises necessary funds to continue groundbreaking research, treatment and education at City of Hope and to raise awareness for women's cancers.

In labs and clinics, City of Hope scientists explore the links between breast and gynecologic cancers, seeking to prevent and cure them. Without funds, research is impossible. And without research, the cure to cancer is a far away dream.

Our scientists have shown that regular exercise can cut breast cancer risk — and studies indicate that regular exercise actually helps breast cancer survivors live longer. We walk for these reasons, and for the promise of many more discoveries like this to come.

Hope is on the horizon, and your commitment makes a difference. Together, we can build a world without women's cancers.

View Walk for Hope locations to learn more, register or donate.

This year, more than 315,000 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancers unique to women. As a group, these are the most commonly diagnosed cancers among women, making up almost 40 percent of new cases in 2012.

To find out more about breast and gynecological cancer research and treatment at City of Hope, please click on any of the links below.

For press and media inquiries, please call 800-888-5323 or email media@coh.org.
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